October 29, 2020 | John Johnson

Affordable Ways to Grow Your Home Yoga Practice


Affordable Ways to Grow Your Home Yoga Practice

Discovering yoga for the first time feels life-changing. In a world that keeps us going a mile a minute, many people never make time to slow down and look inward until they try yoga. In those early days, progress was made quickly. New yogis watch their strength, flexibility, and mindfulness grow with each practice and feel inspired to get on the mat regularly.

As time passes, rapid progress turns to maintenance, and some yogis find themselves giving up the practice because they no longer feel challenged. Rather than giving up, however, yogis should look for ways to push past their plateau.

That doesn’t have to mean spending a ton of money on yoga classes or private lessons, however. While instruction from a yoga teacher is a valuable resource, you may not always have the time or money to get to class. Additionally, trying to find a yoga class in your area during the pandemic could be difficult until restrictions lessen even further. Instead, try these affordable strategies for growing your home yoga practice.

Incorporate Props

Props are often viewed as tools for beginners, but they can be a valuable addition to an experienced yogi’s practice as well. Props enhance body awareness, aid in relaxation, and can even make poses more challenging. Rather than buying props from your local yoga studio, comparison shop online and check for additional savings to get the lowest price on blocks, straps, bolsters, and other yoga props.

Wear Comfortable, Affordable Clothing

There are plenty of pricey leggings, tops and socks that people swear by for yoga. However, comfortable yoga wear doesn’t need to be costly, and you don’t need an entire wardrobe. Ideally, you want a few pairs of leggings, a couple of tops and a bra or two with great support. That’s it! And if you shop online, you can usually dig up extra savings. For example, you can find top-quality activewear by seeking out Dick’s Sporting Goods or Nike coupons, and you might even score some cash back.

Practice with a Friend

For many home practitioners, yoga is a solitary routine. However, being unable to attend a yoga class shouldn’t mean missing out on the camaraderie of a shared yoga practice. Practicing with other people pushes you to work a little harder and stay on the mat a little longer when you might otherwise watch the clock through your session. It’s also a great way to build trust, strengthen your relationship, and try out fun partnered poses. If you’re practicing social distancing, you can do yoga workouts together with friends via apps like Zoom.

Take Risks

Do you take risks in yoga, or do you always play it safe? Not the kind of risks that put your health on the line, but rather, the risks that inspire you to stay present on and off the mat. Whether it’s practicing a challenging pose, inviting others to join you, or setting sincere intentions for yourself, stepping outside your comfort zone will bring you purpose.

Set Intentions

Speaking of purpose: Yoga should be more than a chance to stretch and relax after a long day. Yoga is an opportunity to center yourself and look inwardly. If you find yourself simply going through the motions, make a point to set an intention for your yoga practice. Your intention may be a thing you’re grateful for, a request for forgiveness or understanding, or something personal you want to work on. If you need inspiration or want to track your intentions and time on the mat, try one of these mindfulness and yoga apps — many are free!

Stay Mindful

If you find yourself starting yoga practice with an intention but quickly forgetting it as you focus on poses and movements, try practicing your meditation skills outside of yoga. Meditation is a deceptively difficult practice, but mastering it will bring your yoga practice to new depths. Instead of zoning out on the mat, you can activate your body and mind to reap the benefits of yoga.

Add Singing Bowls

If you miss the gentle sounds of singing bowls enjoyed in many yoga classes, why not add them to your home practice? A dedicated sacred space is central to a home yoga and meditation practice, and singing bowls add not only a beautiful sound but a healing element as well. Small singing bowls are quite affordable and are a great way to set an intention for your practice.

Plan for Recovery

While practicing every day can be good for you, it’s important to have recovery periods, especially if you typically opt for power vinyasa poses. Your body needs time to recover and rest, and this can be in the form of an off day or a different type of exercise. For added recovery, consider body rolling as a way to loosen tense muscles and encourage relaxation. Yamuna Body Rolling Balls, which come in different densities, can be a great way to sooth and stretch sore muscles after an intense practice.

Attending yoga classes isn’t the only way to maintain a practice that keeps you inspired and engaged. Whether you maintain a home practice to save money, save time, or both, you can push past plateaus and create a yoga practice that challenges you in mind and body.

Sheila Johnson

Image via Unsplash

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